Sculpture Education Lectures and Forums
Since 2008, I have initiated and produced sculpting lectures for Sculptors Society Members on a wide variety of topics with interviewing leaders in their field namely:
- Professor Naama Goren-Inbar, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, discoverer of the world’s oldest sculpture, Venus of Berekhat Ram, 450,000 to 700,000 years old.
- Ron Mueck – Leading Australian sculptor.
- Alex Seton – Leading marble sculptor.
- Animal Logic – 3D modelling for the movie ‘Happy Feet’ and other ventures.
- Vivid Sydney – light modelers who transform Sydney landmarks.
- Jack Poppert – UNSW Sculpture student representative on the next generation of sculptors.
- Wojcieck Pitranik – Relief sculptor for the Australian Mint
- Alan Somerville – Sculptor of the ANZAC Soldiers, ANZAC Bridge, Sydney.
- Rex Merten – One of Australia’s leading jewelers.
- Cox Richardson Taylor and Partners, Architects. Interior Design and the role of sculpture in major projects.
- Michel Brouet – Leading Fine Art photographer and how to create the perfect image.
- Barnes Products – Latest developments in casting and sculpting materials.
- Michael Vaynman – Leading caster on processes and finishes.
- Macquarie University – Ancient Roman Sculpture.